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The Verdocs Web SDK provides both native Web Components and IFRAMEs that seamlessly integrate into any modern framework that supports Web Components, including Vue, Angular, React, Svelte, etc.

In frameworks that support Web Components directly, you can install `@verdocs/web-sdk`. For React, we provide a wrapper library that provides strong typing and makes it easier to import the components into your project.

Web Components vs IFRAMEs

We recomend using Web components over IFRAMEs for three reasons:

  1. IFRAMEs are hard to style. Generally, you can only make alterations that the developer specifically provided options for. In contrast, Web Components can be styled with CSS just like any other HTML element, making it much easier to achieve the look and feel you want.
  2. IFRAMEs are harder to control. In modern browsers, they must channel events and callbacks through mechanisms like postMessage(), limiting the amount of control you have over the component's behavior and visibility into its status.
  3. Web Components are faster. They are bundled into your Web app's distribution files and load immediately when each page is displayed, where IFRAMEs are loaded remotely in a second step.